I have suffered from low back problems and arthritis for many years. And in those many years, I have run the gamut of care and treatment, from orthopedic to chiropractic to physical therapy to acupuncture. It wasn't until I began receiving treatment that I felt there was hope. To start, the Doctor was thorough and honest in assessing my chronic condition. He then put together a results-oriented, multi-layered treatment program that has offered me both immediate relief and long-term promise.I also have seen the results in the treatment of injuries and in the enhancement of strength and flexibility. He can make a difference in your health and wellbeing. Not only is the Doctor skillful and professional in his care, he is genuine and considerate.. I have never been more confident or more comfortable in someone's care.
Dan O.
There are so many wonderful things that have happened to me since working with the Doctor for my Arthritis. After the first treatment my left leg was so much less painful and I was able to go up steps without pulling myself up with the banister, and it keeps getting better. I have had five treatments to date, and my legs and arms are so much better. I had been to an Orthopedic Surgeon and nothing happened after weeks of therapy. The right leg was somewhat painful but not like the left leg. Now the right leg gives me little or no problem. Now, thanks to the Doctor, I have no worries about getting up, using my legs, and walking up and down stairs. All this after five visits, I wonder how great I will feel after 10 or 15 visits?
I can’t thank him enough for giving my life back to me.
Mark E.
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