Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Do You Have an Adaptable Attitude?

More from Denis Waitley, from his book Being the Best on page 222... If you want to thrive in life and in your business, you must have an adaptable attitude. The following four suggestions will help you put an adaptable attitude into action: 1. Instead of fearing change, expect it. View change as normal. Constantly check how flexible you are to new ideas, surprises and other situations that demand adaptability to change. My commentary - How did you adapt to the pandemic? Now that 8.6% inflation is here how will you pivot and adapt? How flexible are you to new ideas to combat this inflationary period? 2. Use the salvage-the situation approach. When things don't work out just the way you planned, don't panic or go into a blue funk. No matter what game you are playing, one loss does not make a season. One strike-out doesn't mean you can't win the batting championship. My commentary - How would you feel if you lost $80,000 in less than 20 minutes? Well now you know how I felt trading Apple options about ten years ago. Yup $40,000 evaporated in under twenty minutes. Trust me I was not happy, nor did I feel well; but, instead of giving up or going into a depression I learned what mistake I made and moved forward. In the ten years since I have made that $80K loss up dozens of times, if not hundreds of times over. One strikeout does not mean the end of the season if you can learn and adapt. 3. Ignore the little disappointments and irritations in order to reach your larger goal. Many people let the little things get to them and ruin their performance, attitude and chances for success. Adaptable people learn to live with a certain amount of inconvenience, embarrassment, discouragement, dismay and antagonism. They concentrate on what really counts-the major goal or objective. My commentary - I remember the first focus group that I did. Not only did I BOMB, but I embarrassed the hell out of myself because it was my accountant who set it up. By keeping the major goal in front of me I was able to analyze where I went wrong (everywhere!) and build a better presentation that has propelled my practice to soaring heights. 4. Remember the prayer of Reinhold Niebuhr. Change what you can, accept what you cannot change, and ask for the wisdom to know the difference. My Commentary-Amen to that! It is so spot on and when you live that prayer you automatically become adaptable. You heard it here first. In Gratitude, Paul Source:, 7/13/22.