Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Marinades Make Grilling Healthier!

A recent study from Kansas State University published in Mens Health Magazine (Dec. 2008) discovered that commercial marinades reduced Heterocyclic Amines (HCAs) - a suspected carcinogenic compound produced by cooking meats at high temperatures - by an average of 71%.

They believe this may be due to the antioxidants in the spices that stop free-radical reactants from forming during the cooking process.

Their best try, a Caribbean Marinade, it scored 88% HCA reduction:
Mix 1/4 tsp each of salt, red pepper and black pepper with 1/2 tsp each of sugar, thyme, allspice, rosemary and chives. Blend with 2 ounces of water and 1 ounce each of olive oil and vinegar

For more information on Health and Wellness, contact Dr. Dan.

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