Wednesday, August 2, 2023

10 Ideas to Grow Your Business

Coaching small business owners just like you for the past twenty plus years, gives me the unique perspective and vast experience to help you. This newsletter will outline a few universal strategies to growing any business. My sincere wish is that you implement what is presented. 1. Can you be proactive at least three hours per week? Too many business owners do not want to put the time in to grow their business and guess what? Their businesses don’t grow. Three hours per week is that too much to ask? Stop being reactive, start being proactive. 2. How was your Memorial Day? Will you get into summer before September? After all, you deserve a break, don’t you? If you decide to check out for the whole summer, so will your business. Now, please don’t get me wrong. You should take a vacation or many vacations. All I ask is that when you are at work, be present at work. Don’t day dream and constantly think about your upcoming vacation. Is that fair? 3. Work smarter not harder. Strategy will crush tactics any day. Here is the problem that I have witnessed over and over. 99.9% of small business owners want the tactic and pay very little to strategy. Take this to the bank…STRATEGY CRUSHES TACTICS EVERY SINGLE TIME! 4. Get new business. This is the key to any business. How many current strategic methods are you using right now? If it is fewer than three you must change that. 5. Understand how to communicate with people. Your success with prospects, staff, family, EVERYONE depends on your proper communication skills. 6. Effective presenting is key to leading and landing new business. 7. Time management is an important key to success. If you are not getting a full sixty minutes out of every hour then you are wasting time. Time that you can never get back! 8. Systems allow you to take as many vacations as you want. They allow you to work smarter instead of harder. The problem that I have seen is that most small business owners either don’t want to take the time to create systems or they don’t know how. Fix this problem and watch your happiness and peace of mind soar! 9. Training staff is the difference between a happy stress-free day vs. constant chaos. Training your staff is very important to keep everyone on the same path to success. All staff must be consistent in procedures and explaining things to the patients. Poor training leads to inconsistency, correcting things and more work later. 10. Goal setting allows you to create the plan for achieving all that you want. I have seen and continue to see way too many small business owners who do not create goals. Those that do, I have also seen, create amazing businesses and lives. Ten easy to implement steps. Do an experiment. Implement the above for the rest of the year and report back to me what happens. By the way, after twenty plus years of doing this, I already know what will happen. I want you to experience it for yourself if you choose. If you need help, ask a friend, colleague. Just be like Nike and DO IT! You heard it here first. Be sure to share this newsletter with someone who can use the information. Life is too short not to have a dream job or business. In Gratitude, Paul Source:, 8/2/23.

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