Saturday, March 28, 2009

Honey, I Shrunk Your Brain??

Two recent studies published in Neurology, January 2009, determined that Hormone Replacement Therapy for women is linked to brain shrinkage, but not to small brain lesions that are the first sign of cardiovascular disease. The studies aimed at finding out how hormone therapy might affect memory and thinking skills.

MRI scans were taken of 1400 women ages 71 - 89. They found that women taking estrogen (with or without progestin) had smaller brain volumes in two specific areas of the brain. Both areas were involved with thinking and memory skills. One of the areas (the hippocampus) is a risk factor for dementia.

My recommendation: Try to use natural alternatives to Hormone Replacement Therapy first before any drugs are used.

If you have any questions about this, please contact Dr. Dan Thibodeau at 920-954-1002 or at

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Overuse of Farmland Creates Depleted Soil.

A recent article published in To Your Health magazine, February 2009, determined that the growing regions in the United States are continuing to get smaller. The overuse of the same soil, instead of rotating use of the land, causes the earth's soil to become depleted of essential organic complexes, nutrients and minerals. Even if you eat an all-organic diet, you need to supplement your diet.

Comment: This is not a new idea and has been talked about for the last 10-15 years. This article reminded me that it was a good topic to re-visit.

My recommendation: Include in your diet a good quality multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplement. Many are now available to help with specific health concerns, for example, female issues, blood sugar problems, chewable, etc.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Dan Thibodeau at 920-954-1002 or at

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Low-Tech Treatment Same as Knee Surgery.

A recent study seen in Good Health magazine, March 2009, determined that for arthritic knee pain - arthroscopic surgery to smooth cartilage and remove floating tissue has been standard treatment.

The rigorous study, following 178 Canadian patients, found that the popular procedure offered no benefit over a regimen of physical therapy and in some cases anti-inflammatory injections or injections of fluid-restoring hyaluronic acid.

Two years later, the surgery patients had no less pain and no more mobility than the non-surgery group. Robert Litchfield, MD said, "Scoping [arthroscopic knee surgery] is great for many things but it won't cure your arthritis."

My recommendation: Even though the study did not mention Chiropractic care directly, this shows that patients should try conservative treatment options before choosing surgery. The Chiropractic care, physiotherapy, nutrition and exercise rehab that we offer at our office has been very successful in helping to reduce and eliminate knee pain for many patients. Please make surgery your last option not your first.

If you have any questions about this, please contact Dr. Thibodeau at 920-954-1002 or at