Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Experts Say You Can Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

A recent article in Reader's Digest asked 4 medical experts for solutions to Type 2 Diabetes. Here are their responses:

1) "People who ate a plant-based, low fat vegan diet lost weight, reduced their cholesterol and improved their blood sugar....You can use diet to reverse the condition, but if you return to your old habits, it will come right back." Neal Barnard, MD

2) "Diet and exercise have the biggest impact, and the best diet is high in fiber and low in the glycemic index foods....fiber lowers insulin and cholesterol levels." Dwight Mckee, MD

3) "A main cause of type 2 diabetes is being overweight. You have to make a big change to get healthy, and exercise is key to reversing the condition....aim to burn 300 calories a day....gradually increase your exercise time." Joel Fuhrman, MD

4) "Diabetes is a disease not a moral failing. Lifestyle modifications can make it better...." Robin Goland, MD

My recommendation: Try diet, exercise and nutritional changes first before any drugs are used.

If you have any questions about this press release, please contact Dr. Dan Thibodeau at 920-954-1002 or at

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Paying More for More of the Same!

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) 2008 showed that medical and pharaceutical care for back and neck problems increased substancially but without significant improvement in health and function.

The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey showed that from 1997 to 2005, medical care increased from $52 billion per year to $86 billion per year. Medication costs for spinal problems rose from $7 billion per year to $20 billion per year. (In contrast, diabetic care rose from $89 billion to $98 billion.)

The authors noted that, "Despite rapidly increasing expenditures from 1997 to 2005, there was no improvement over this period in self-assessed limitations or social functioning."

Sadly, the increase in health care costs did not result in better health outcomes. It seems that the need for chiropractic and chiropractic's potential to impact the current health situation are continuing to grow!

My recommendation: Try chiropractic treatment first before expensive medical care or drugs.

If you have any questions about this press release, please contact Dr. Dan Thibodeau at 920-954-1002 or at